The Big Brain Child is a pet project that was born out of the craving desire or reaching out to our society ..

Meeting the need of the young teenage boy and girl in society by, fostering their career objectives and giving their life a meaning., Through collections using practical examples of facts and mastering the power of their mind in actualizing their dreams into reality.

Project Scope

I love you, is poised to Empower the youth in the Netherlands, having a mandate or Reaching out through the following

  • The power of your mind
  • Video clips or Drugs and its impact in today's society
  • Career Objectives
  • Business
  • Mentorship
  • Skill Acquisition
  • Teaching
  • Training and evaluation
  • Sponsorship
  • Relationship \ Time Management

High Level Requirements

BBC is an highly skilled mentorship program. Which is aimed at answering the question of the big brain. Smart and highly intelligent child question.


BBC is for the early school grade from 13 years to 25 years. These age grades have a major rule to play in our societies and breaking even more in a pruned achieved project by I love you foundation, Come 2025.

Affected Parties

The impact of BBC, BIG BRAIN CHILD, would be the life of our children in high schools and universities. We would like to be a partner with schools offering skills acquisition and career objective day, where we can show young potentials.

Specific Exclusions from Scope

Our plans are to split our projects in every year into 4 scopes \ modules and reach other youth outside Almere ... pioneering an Ambassador for youth that would be a role model in actualization.

Implementation Plan

I love your plan is to expand the mind of the youth and link them up to top career objective ranks, meeting entrepreneurs. We are having a long term plan or following you up to your mandate.