Ikhouvanu visit to Nigeria


Introducing the big brain child to young Nigerians


It was an eventful occasion as the members of Ikhouvanu visited Suleja in Niger state, Nigeria from the 26th to 27th of April, 2019. It was was a successful visitation as the members of IKHOUVANU foundation was able to carry out its  respective objectives which is Giving lives meaning by putting smiles on faces of the less-privileged in three different phases of the Town in serious need of interventions. In general, we visited the Suleja General hospital before heading to the Global Vision to deliver mentor-ship sessions to inspire the young undergraduates before another visit to the Suleja Prison.  

First, we went with some gift items to the maternity section of the General Hospital to relieve some major challenges of the hospitals patients. We then proceed to have a productive meeting with the Medical Director. Adedokun where we discussed the major challenges facing the hospital. The mentioned of inadequate power supply, damaged wards, lack of a functioning ambulance, among other things as well as some of the problems hindering the efficiency of the hospital.

Our aim therefore, is to achieve these goals by giving sustainable power in hospital and the renovation of wards.

These 3 major projects are what we are focusing on right now. Your support can only be through donation, volunteer and making sure we give their lives meaning by putting smiles on their faces.

We also offered a free digital hospital management system to ease administration and record system, a Project which would be handled by Mr.Muktar.

Our school project is Paramount, as our basic aim is on the young growing one, where we are able to introduce them to Big Brain Child, expose them with the power of your mind. Talking to the students was our founder ______ who gave an uplifting reading to the students about believing their all brilliant by having self confidence, big brain child and creating jobs instead of seeking for white collar jobs, she encouraged that the students should stop using terms such as hustle and white collar jobs instead they should train themselves appropriately to earn highly skilled jobs. The torch was then passed to our partners of the days The lion hearted woman initiative foundation who was represented by Ms.Celynn and Ms.Mabel who challenged about having career objective, short-term goals and long-term goals and how these students can follow that plan in achieving success for the path they've set for their own by having a Success / Dream Board. Believe me it was a joyful one as the students and school principal wanted more of the Ikouvanu foundation that they had to seek for another session sometime close.

Our Prison Project was focused on female inmates.