BBC2019, was a successful and impactful event which was directed towards how to identify, approach and enlighten the Big Brain Child from the less privileged communities and 3rd world countries where aids are in serious needs for youths and their families who can't fend at all or properly the ensure average growth. We also had a section on Drug abuse and how they destroy the life of youths.

We had several guest speakers in Dutch who came to support this initiative. One of them being in the person of Mr.Kenny Omorogieva from ABN AMBRO who gave a detailed financial management lecture on how youths can avoid debts in the Netherlands and other countries of the World.

We also had Mrs. Mevrouw P. VAN ZANTEN, who is a business support socialist, who treated a unique topic(FINDING THE UNIQUE YOUTH). While identifying your strengths and goals in Planing your life to achieve purposeful career objectives.


She strengthened them by giving them a practical analysis of life while using a vision board to guard time and keep their mind and focus on the high side.

We had Pastor. Samuel one of the founders of Tenderhands NGO in the Netherlands, who has always been a great support to the vision of the Ikhouvanu foundation. The GYLF youth ambassador in the Netherlands was also present as he helped motivate the youths in a fun pack environment as the youths engaged themselves in games and life-changing opportunities. There was also time to display sort video clips on Drugs and the effect of its abuse.